Paintings, and other media

Scenes from Beirut Scene 1, Gouache, on canvas 40/50 – End of 2020. Scene 2, Gouache, 30/40 cm Scene 3, Gouache, 30/40 cm Scene 4, Gouache, 30/40 cm

Dance workshops

2016 , Young Mind Lab Projekt: Glück im Spiel, in Sisyphos, der Flugelefant GbR. Berlin, Germany Collaborated with „Sisyphos, der Flugelefant an interdisciplinary artists group, I gave movement research classes as part of „Young Mind Lab“ in alliance with various art, cultural, educational, and social institutions for people with and without forced migration experiences from…

Paestum memories, crossing conversation

A research project with the collaboration of Elena Dragonetti 2016/ Italy. Elena Dragonetti and Chada halwani went to a journey to Italy to investigating the landscape as site of memories, in Paestum. Using the body as physical archive, We are interested in exploring how memories resonate in the moving body and in the landscape

Absent friends /different realities

2014, Project, Performance, Online and live performance at TanzFabrik Part of ‘First step to choreography’, Berlin, Germany It happened that three of our dance intensive friends had to leave Berlin, because of denied visas.
All three of them came from outside Europe.
one of them lives in a country where dancing for her is forbidden, illegal, a…


Février 2008 /ENSCI /projet en groupe/ Luiza Jacobsen, Marie-Julie Bourgeois, Chada Halwani /suivi de projet: Claire Petetin The concept of this project is based on the idea of lighting Artigues park at night. Our desire is to create a surprising and pleasant atmosphere for the public after sunset. So we designed a game of lag time…

Instant bed

Instant bed/ experimental online project _ Project Took place between Kuwait and Lebanon. Using my smart phone, I took picture of my bed every morning for 7 months between the 9th of march 2012 and 27th of September 2012. I posted the image on my blog every day. In that period I travelled more then…